Go to Scenario > Save AS and save your new mission file.With your new map open, press CTRL+V to paste everything, you will need to manually put stuff into your desired positions however, such as the units and modules.Create a new mission file on your desired map (in our case, Utes) by going to SCENARIO > New > Desired Map.
Press CTRL+A to select everything, then press CTRL+C to copy everything.In this step, we will be copying all the contents of this. As soon as possible try and reload the scenario by going to the scenario menu and loading your replica mission file. Congratulations, you’ve just created a replica file.You should see your file explorer open and be confronted with a mission.sqm file in your missions folder.Assuming you’ve gone ahead and named the mission file and whatnot, find the “Open scenario folder” in the Scenario top bar menu that you opened to save the file.
#How to download arma 3 missions from armaholic mods#
Mods such as Blastcore should be disabled prior to creating the mission. ( Be Aware that any non-modlist addons may create undesirable dependencies, ensure that your modlist is purely whatever happens to be necessary for all the official CJTF addons to function as well as said CJTF addons themselves. pbo you copied, and “Save As” to create a new mission file.
3Den Enhanced is already present in our modpack. Mods like 3Den Enhanced are recommended as they enhance the eden editor experience. Please note that all relevant examples in this guide will be using PBOManager. One such program is PBOManager, which the author of this article personally uses, however be aware that there are alternatives out there. A program that can open and/or unpack.Step 3: Transferring everything to a new map. Transferring mission file data to new maps